Monday, November 21, 2011

Search and find

They are not the same due to the fact one is created from suers linking it the other is googles central database indexing the sites. I prefer the Google selection due to that is what ima accustomed to and can find the information readily available.


I believe they do the permission given to its users are very easily to enforce and are quite effective. One cannot get to an image to change it unless authorization to the link is given. I would allow my pictures to be sahred. I like the idea of people seeing my work.


The 2 differences between blogger and Flickr is how the images are displayed on the one hand you can have it locally on the other it is hosted by flicker witch gives you special access rights such as creative license if you so desire to change the permissions on how things a used.

Monday, November 7, 2011

RSS- FEED ARE THE CRAZIEST THINGS. uses it rss feeds to relay information tot he world about disease control and the war on germs. They use it to tell the world on hour by hour updates on pandemics and medicinal events in the world.

FEED ME!!!!!

MY EXPERIENCES WAS AMAZING AND WONDER FULL , LIKE SWEET. Everything just comes to me easily without thought. Like a robotic machine.

Two Wins of the this new concept are- It is extremely efficient and streamlined. The other it is much easier to convey important information then going out manually to find it. A really big time saver.

Two things you lose is the- Manual aspect of finding everything you want. Computers just dont have the human interjection. Also it is limiting in scope of the parameter of what that news site tells you. Doesn't allow for creative interjection.

Monday, October 31, 2011